
Worship is communion with God in which believers, by grace, center their minds’ attention and their hearts’ affection on the Lord, humbly glorifying God in response to His greatness and His Word.

A rare and special dynamic is created among people who don’t have to be there. Music ministry members show up, week in and week out, out of love. The only compensation they receive is the joy of being a part of this unique ministry and the joy of making music together. That is enough to keep them coming back.


Love is what makes a church choir: love of music, love for each other, and especially love of the Savior. Our choirs prepare hearts for the Word of God and create an atmosphere of worship and reverence.


The members of our orchestra find inspiration in the music they play and the opportunity they have to be part of something far greater than the sum of its parts – bringing glory to God.


The Sanctuary Music Ministry produces several special events throughout the year, including Christmas Caroling in the community.

Learn The Story Behind the Song

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